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SNG Drama Ljubljana načrtuje svoj program tudi v skladu s potrebami mladih ljubiteljev gledališča. Zavedamo se, da žal vsi otroci in mladostniki ne odraščajo v enako prijaznem in stimulativnem okolju. Za številne med njimi je lahko gledališče ena od redkih priložnosti, ko lahko vstopijo v prijaznejši in bolj vključujoč svet, ki na krilih neskončne umetniške svobode spodbuja prepoznavanje in razvijanje lastnih zanimanj in potencialov. Zato si v sodelovanju z Zvezo prijateljev mladine Slovenije in podobnimi društvi skrbno prizadevamo omogočiti otrokom iz socialno ogroženih družin in njihovim staršem čim pogostejše obiskovanje gledaliških predstav, sodelovanje v pogovorih in na delavnicah z gledališko pedagoginjo, oglede zaodrja itd.

In accordance with our programme resources, we occasionally invite larger groups of children and their minders to see our scheduled performances, or, alternatively, smaller groups, and in some cases, we may also invite them to premieres of performances for children and youth. Also, we donate sponsorship subscriptions.

Since 2013, in cooperation with the Fund 05 – social investment fund, we have encouraged our patrons and theatre fans to donate 0.5% of their personal income tax to support our charity project Discovering New Worlds. Collected donations are used, in cooperation with the Association of Friends of Youth, to enable children and adolescents from disadvantaged families who cannot afford a theatre subscription ticket for the entire season. It is our desire to alleviate their feeling of stigmatization and social exclusion and make it possible to invite them to the theatre regularly with their classmates and peers. In previous seasons, as part of the Discover New Worlds project, we introduced subscriptions for different age groups of children and adolescents: Ciciban, Ciciban Matinee and Ciciban Saturday afternoon subscriptions for the youngest, Teen subscription for teenagers, and secondary school student subscriptions. On average, each beneficiary was able to see five theatre performances. With the funds raised, and in cooperation with the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia, which designed criteria for the selection of beneficiaries of sponsorship subscriptions, we have enabled theatre experience to 420 children and adolescents who would have been unable to afford coming to the theatre without the Discovering New Worlds project.

We hope that these collaborations which always turn out to be extremely pleasant and moving experiences for all involved, will continue on the same scale and as often as possible.
