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Children of Herakles

Original title: Ἡρακλεῖδαι
Staged Reading


Luka Martin Škof

Opening night

3 March 2017

Small Stage

60 minutes

Written more than 2500 years ago, Euripides’ tragedy Children of Heracles remains a topical and painfully true refugee story. Its main protagonists are (silent) children of heroic Heracles. Forced to flee from their home in Argos, accompanied by the elderly Iolaus and their grandmother Alcmene, they seek protection in Athens. When its ruler Demophon refuses to surrender the refugees, the ruler of Argos, Eurystheus – a relative of Heracles – declares war. A hostile army, an oracle’s decree to offer a maiden victim and a rising discontent of the Athenians put Demophon’s charitable gesture to a test. Will Athens manage to defend basic human rights?

Euripides (c. 485 – 406 BC), the author of Medea, Alcestis, Hippolytus, Phoenician Women and Bacchae, to name but a few, ranks as the most significant author of Attic tragedy . His Children of Heracles and The Suppliants (translated and published in 2016 in the series Dialogue with Antiquity by AMEU-ISH), established Athens as a carrier and supporter of basic civilizing values which democracy today should be based on too.


Creative team


Jera Ivanc

Drama Igralec: Jera Ivanc | odpri ustvarjalca


Darja Dominkuš

Drama Igralec: Darja Dominkuš | odpri ustvarjalca



Drama Igralec: Arko | odpri ustvarjalca

Mira Jarni

Drama Igralec: Mira Jarni | odpri ustvarjalca


Vlado Glavan

Drama Igralec: Vlado Glavan | odpri ustvarjalca


Boris MihaljDrama Igralec: Boris Mihalj | odpri igralca

Kopreas, herald of Eurystheus; Eurystheus, king of Argos

Petra GovcDrama Igralec: Petra Govc | odpri igralca

Chorus of old men

Igor SamoborDrama Igralec: Igor Samobor | odpri igralca

Demophon, king of Athens

Veronika DrolcDrama Igralec: Veronika Drolc | odpri igralca

Makaria, daughter of Herakles

Rok ViharDrama Igralec: Rok Vihar | odpri igralca

Servant of Hyllus, Herakles' son; Hyllus' soldier

Barbara CerarDrama Igralec: Barbara Cerar | odpri igralca

Alcmene, mother of Herakles
