Vitomil Zupan
Flags – Man – Blindness
Original title: Zastave – Mož – Slepota
First production
Adapted by Mare Bulc after the plays The Assassin and the King, The Worms and White Rockets Fly towards Amsterdam
Opening night
6 February 2015
Small Stage
180 minutes inc. interval
Bos – Assassin 1
Joe – Guard 1
Betka – Simona 1
Bos' mother – Director
Dolinar, Bos' father − King
Police Chief − Executioner
Interrogator – Guard 2
Alojz Svete
Tonič – Joe's father − Colonel
Lela – Simona 2
Brumen – Assassin 2
Vitomil Zupan was one of the most exciting, versatile and prolific Slovenian writers of the twentieth century. At the centenary of his birth, three of his plays and three poems were combined into a new play. The director and author of the adaptation Mare Bulc conjoins three of Zupan’s texts The Rebellion of the Worms (1969/70), The Assassin and the King (1971) and White Rockets Fly towards Amsterdam (1973) to form a new play. He includes the poems Blindness, Man and Flags from Zupan’s collection of poems Midnight Wine, which belong to the same period as the three plays. The plays talk about the confrontation of the individual and the system − loyalty to oneself on the one hand, and the always practical conformism on the other.
46th Week of Slovenian Drama, Kranj