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New Readings 2021/22

New Readings

New Readings programme platform is aimed at encouraging and promoting young playwrights. The fourth edition of this creative laboratory mentored by Simona Hamer presents short plays by Nina Jakulin Vavpotič, Ana Lorger, Katja Markič, Iva Š. Slosar and Nika Švab. This year’s point of departure were the novels The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald and Čudežni Feliks (The Miraculous Felix) by Andrej Hieng, included in the matura secondary-school-leaving exam reading list. They generated five very interesting short plays, diverse in genre and content, which will be presented in the format of stage reading.

New Readings: #TheGreatMagical
Drama omnibus

Nina Jakulin Vavpotič: I Need You, My Little One
Ana Lorger: All Our Deaths
Katja Markič: Cacophony of Silence
Iva Š. Slosar: How the Pope Laughs
Nika Švab: The Great S01E01

Director: Jernej Potočan
Dramaturg: Simona Hamer
Language consultant: Tatjana Stanič


Nejc Cijan Garlatti
Vanja Plut
Petra Govc
Maja Končar
Gorazd Logar
Marko Mandič
Saša Mihelčič
Maja Sever

PREMIERE 15 April 2021 at 19.00 on the Small Stage

The opening performance will be followed by a post-show talk featuring the authors.

REPEAT PERFORMANCE 16 April 2021 at 20.00 on the Small Stage: CANCELLED.

New Readings is a platform for the development and presentation of contemporary (Slovenian) theatre texts within the format of reading performances. It places special focus on the youngest generation of professional playwrights, selected through public invitations.

Simona Hamer is a dramaturgist and playwright, long-term member of Preglej, who has written dozens of theatre plays, adaptations and dramatizations and took part in numerous original projects. In 2017, she got the Slavko Grum Award for Best Theatre Text for her drama play Razglednice ali Strah je od znotraj votel, od zunaj pa ga nič ni (Postcards or Fear is What Fear Does), and also the Gašper Tič Award (2019) for her libretto Cimra (Roommate).


