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New Readings 2019/20

Reading performance

New Readings is a creative writing laboratory aimed at encouraging and promoting young playwrights, mentored by Simona Hamer. The third edition presents Zala Mojca Jerman Kuželički, Leja Veldin and Nina Kuclar Stiković. Their plays, diverse in terms of content and genre, are based on the original word »dot«, and will be presented in the form of stage reading.

New Readings is a platform for developing and presenting contemporary (Slovenian) plays in the format of stage readings. They focus on the youngest generation of professional playwrights selected by a public call who are invited to take part in a 6-month long playwriting workshop. The authors are given a common starting theme. A theatre omnibus of diverse new texts finally comes to life in a stage production.

Simona Hamer is a dramaturgist and playwright, long-term member of Preglej, who has written dozens of theatre plays, adaptations and dramatizations and took part in numerous original projects. In 2017, she got the Slavko Grum Award for Best Theatre Text for her drama play Razglednice ali Strah je od znotraj votel, od zunaj pa ga nič ni (Postcards or Fear is What Fear Does), and this year (2019) also the Gašper Tič Award for her libretto Cimra (Roommate).

Reading omnibus

Zala Mojca Jerman Kuželički, Silence, Please
Leja Veldin, Tea for Three
Nina Kuclar Stiković, Black Dot

PREMIERE 30 September at 20.00 in the Drama back garden.
