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New readings 2017/18

Creative writing workshop

A revamped concept of our New Readings programme section presented new and upcoming potentials: young Slovenian playwrights. A creative playwriting laboratory led and mentored by Simona Hamer from October 2017 to February 2018 was being wrapped-up by a premiere of five short plays. Genre-diverse and content-wise heterogeneous texts have originated from a common starting point, the word green. They were presented in the form of a staged reading.

Omnibus of plays

Sandi Jesenik, Solo un martini
Kaja Nakani, Green Landing Site
Varja Hrvatin, Silence of a Roaring Valley
Lev Mastnak Trobentar, Salamanders
Jernej Potočan, Every Song Fades Out Once

PREMIERE 23 February at 20.00, The Small Stage
REPEAT PERFORMANCE 24 February at 20.00, The Small Stage
They were followed by meet-the-authors-in-conversation on both nights.
