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Waiting for Superman

Wives in Dough

Original project based on Slovenian folk songs


Živa Bizovičar

Opening Night

4 November 2022

Small Stage


100 minutes


Creative team


Iva Štefanija Slosar and Nik Žnidaršič

Drama Igralec: Iva Štefanija Slosar and Nik Žnidaršič | odpri ustvarjalca


Maruša Mali

Drama Igralec: Maruša Mali | odpri ustvarjalca


Nina Čehovin

Drama Igralec: Nina Čehovin | odpri ustvarjalca


Gašper Lovrec

Drama Igralec: Gašper Lovrec | odpri ustvarjalca


Melani Popit and Matej Kastelic

Drama Igralec: Melani Popit and Matej Kastelic | odpri ustvarjalca


Janez Škrlec

Drama Igralec: Janez Škrlec | odpri ustvarjalca


Jože Faganel

Drama Igralec: Jože Faganel | odpri ustvarjalca


Bor Ravbar

Drama Igralec: Bor Ravbar | odpri ustvarjalca


Nataša Keser

The Spring-She

Ivana Percan Kodarin

The Summer-She

Barbara ŽefranDrama Igralec: Barbara Žefran | odpri igralca

The Autumn-She

Zvezdana MlakarDrama Igralec: Zvezdana Mlakar | odpri igralca

The Winter-She

Folk songs, ballads and customs of a nation reveal a bygone era. What kind of life did our ancestors have, what kind of stories did they sing to each other while working, what was taboo, what was important to them, what made them laugh, what made them sad? What about our female ancestors? What was life like for women in a traditional society we learn about from folk songs?

In Wives in Dough, we learn about the women of the past through four seasons, each of which is presented by one actress. The cyclical time of nature governed traditional society and people. Everything is born, develops and finally dies. But not conclusively, somehow death just makes room for new birth, life and growth. Nature and society live on.

In spring, a little girl, still moist from the morning dew, is amazed to discover the world around her and its principles. In summer, under the scorching sun, when it is difficult to find shade and to take refuge in its coolness, a young girl faces the burst of love, the first pangs and pressure of a society that has charted her path for her. And then the grapes grow ripe on the vine and a mother’s child grows up. Autumn is a time of joy; during the dressing of the flaxen season, women are finally allowed to be what they were previously denied – loud, voracious, cheerful, mischievous. Unfortunately, this only lasted for a day or two, after which women were returned to the only role they had in traditional society – that of mother. This was often marked by pain and difficult choices. As we move from the outdoor meadows, pastures and fields to an indoor space confined by the four walls of our homes in autumn, winter is a time to review the previous year and prepare for the coming year under the auspices of our elders. We listen to the stories we have learned, perhaps those we have almost forgotten, and those that repeat themselves time and time again.



Šelig Prize for Best Production 53th Week of Slovenian drama, Kranj

Borštnik Award for a Comprehensive Approach to Material Treatment 58th Maribor Theatre Festival

Zvezdana MlakarBest actress Award 53th Week of Slovenian drama, Kranj: The Winter-She

Ivana Percan Kodarin – Borštnik Award for Young Actress 58th Maribor Theatre Festival: The Spring-She

Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia Award for Best Production of 2022



53th Week of Slovenian drama, Kranj

58th Maribor Theatre Festival Festival Borštnikovo srečanje


Koridor – križišča umetnosti, 18. november 2022, Živa Kadunc

Žene v testu

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