The American Dream (1961) by the American playwright Edward Albee was first staged in Slovenia as early as in 1963 (directed by Žarko Petan at the so-called Chamber Stage of the Drama Ljubljana), just two years after its American world premiere. Albee’s most famous play, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1962), directed by Mile Korun, was also staged in the same venue, less than two years after its world premiere. In addition to these two, many other Albee’s plays, including The Zoo Story, A Delicate Balance, The Garden, The Lady from Dubuque, Three Tall Women, and The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? have been staged in Slovenian professional theatres more than twenty times.
Matic Kocijančič, researcher and curator at the Slovenian Theatre Institute, will present the development of Slovenian staging history and critical reception of Albee’s plays in a lecture held on Thursday, 29 February, at 18.00 at the Drama Café, illustrating it with photos and archival material from the Theatre Museum.