If it calls us, let us hear it!
Maybe it calls us for the first time, maybe only once,
maybe for the last time ever.
Mid-season, in a maze of opening nights, exploring the siren calls of Love, we will reflect on the content and the proximity of silent connections between people. Are they opposed to each other? Do they exclude each other? Do they outgrow each other?
The ideas of contemporary phenomenologists will be presented in the course of a mellow winter evening by a philosopher, theologian, essayist, professor Edvard Kovač, OFM *.
Cordially invited to the Small Stage venue on Thursday, 12 December at 18.00. Tickets (€ 5) for the lecture are available at the Drama box office, concessions for OAPs and students (€ 3). No admission fee for members of Hamlet and Teen Clubs.
* OFM: Ordo Fratrum Minorum, Order of the Little Brothers.