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Drama Acoustics

Rudi Bučar and Istrabend feat. guest musicians

Rudi Bučar, a true bard of Istria and a multiple winner of several festivals, who has been involved in preserving and enriching Istrian cultural and music heritage for over fifteen years, will give a concert on the Main Stage on 19 November.

Bučar has just wrapped up another successful concert season, which started in April 2016 with his bravura concert at the Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre, when he was joined by a crème de la crème of Slovenian musicians, playing to a packed and rapturous Gallus Hall. Some of the musicians he worked with previously will appear at the upcoming concert in Drama, and support Bučar, a master of imaginative rendition, to present songs from his most recent album, entitled Šentiment. Istrabend, featuring Janez Dovč (accordion), Goran Krmac (tuba) and Gaber Radojević (sound design) will be joined by Boštjan Gombač (whistles) and Maroltovke ̶ female members of the Academic Folk Dance Group France Marolt.
