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Social and Sociable

Post-show talk with Nina Ivanišin and Klemen Janežič

Three documentary stories of three people, none of them being an actress or an actor, have moved me to such an extent that I set out to explore ways of telling stories. What does it take to simply describe and outline in words a certain matter, an event, a memory, a thought, if you like, and to do it so intensely that the word becomes flesh and that the listener can enter that matter, the event, the memory, the thought, if you like – so that two – otherwise mutually unrelated – imaginations create a shared imaginary space with a life of its own? And how to do this without any visual components?

You are cordially invited to a live streamed interactive post-show Zoom talk with Nina Ivanišin and Klemen Janežič, the creators of the production My First Informance With a Working Title Sea Wall, on Saturday, 17 April at 21.15. Please send us questions you would like to ask the creators of the performance at the following e-mail address:,or as a private message on the Facebook and Instagram profile of the SNT Drama Ljubljana. Attendance at the online event is free. You can directly participate in the talk on the Zoom link or watch the public streaming live on the Facebook profile and YouTube channel of SNT Drama Ljubljana.
