We are pleased to host a young British playwright, Alistair McDowall, the author of Pomona, in our Small Stage venue on Thursday, 10 November at 17.00. Directed by Jaša Koceli, Pomona will open on Small Stage on Friday, 11 November. Pomona (2014) is set in an underworld, on the dark periphery of society. McDowall wrote his mythically surreal vision of society in the genre of a thriller, toying with the idea that there are secret worlds in every city centre (in his case, in the city of Manchester). This fairly common sci-fi theme is further developed by the author who uses a clever introduction of a role-play, inspired by horror stories by American author H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), known as »the father of modern horror genre«.
Meet Alistair McDowall, discussing his plays and their staging, in conversation with director Jaša Koceli and dramaturg Eva Kraševec. They will be joined by Pomona’s creative team, as well as by the cast who will share their experiences and views.
Tickets (2€) for the talk are available at the Drama Box Office. No admission fee for members of Drama Club, Teen Club and Hamlet Club. Book early to avoid disappointment.