Hope. Light in the tunnel. Improving the quality of life. Alleviating suffering. And so much more and more!
Hemp. Research, studies, achievements. Slovenia, Israel, the USA, Canada … Epilepsy. Cerebral paralysis. Autism. Schizophrenia. Multiple sclerosis. The most severe development disorders – tics. Neurodegenerative diseases – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. Oncology. Geriatrics. Rheumatology. Post-traumatic syndrome. Chronic pain. And so much more and more!
Hear Professor David Neubauer, PhD, a paediatric neurologist, an ICANNA Fellow *, a pioneer in the use of approved child treatment support products. He will also talk about his young patients and about the true wonder of a smile, the wonder of a face-to-face contact, and about making the impossible possible.
Cordially invited to the Small Stage venue on 10 March at 18.00. Tickets (€ 5) for the lecture are available at the Drama box office, concessions for OAPs and students (€ 3). No admission fee for Hamlet Club members.
* ICANNA: International Institute for Cannabinoids