»In our country, almost all rivers flow from the west towards the east. That is, in the direction of the sun. « So does the Pesnica. But there are more Pesnicas than one: there is the river Pesnica, or, more accurately, the stream of Pesnica, there are two hamlets by the river, one in Austria and one at the foot of Kozjak. There are also the Pesnica valley, the main village of Pesnica, the Pesnica railway station where the writer’s father used to work for more than thirty years … Pesnica is also a place in the author’s imagination and memory, representing a period of his childhood and early youth. In the novel, we follow the story of the writer’s childhood, the stories of his parents and important inhabitants of Pesnica, witnessing the transformation of their beloved valley into a residential outskirt of Maribor. The introduction for Pesnica was written by Ignacija J. Fridl.
Cordially invited to join us on Monday, 10 February at 18.00 at the Drama Café to attend the talk with Tone Partljič. Free tickets are available at the Drama box office. Book early to avoid disappointment.