My Husband, directed by Ivana Djilas, is a production based on collections of short stories My Husband and I’m Not Going Anywhere by a Macedonian writer Rumena Bužarovska. Her stories will come to life on the Main Stage by an all-female cast featuring Iva Babić, Silva Čušin, Maša Derganc, Petra Govc, Sabina Kogovšek, Saša Mihelčič, Maruša Majer, Saša Pavček and Barbara Žefran. The staged stories were adapted by Ivana Djilas and dramaturg Ana Duša who also translated the selected stories from Serbian editions. Other creative team members are Maša Kagao Knez (choreographer and assistant to the director), Klasja Kovačič (language consultant), Sara Slivnik (set designer), Jelena Proković (costume designer), Boštjan Gombač (composer), Mojca Sarjaš (lighting designer), Nika Korenjak (student assistant to the director) and Katarina Šavs (assistant to the costume designer).
Rumena Bužarovska (b. 1981) is a Macedonian author and a literary translator who also teaches American literature at The Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She has published four collections of short stories, most notably and critically acclaimed My Husband (2014), which was published also in Slovenian translation by Aleš Mustar (Založba Modrijan, 2016). She is an active advocate of gender equality. In her writing she constantly exposes hidden mechanisms of repression. In 2016, she was ranked among the ten best contemporary European authors at the London Book Fair. In her of short stories collection My Husband, Rumena Bužarovska does not talk about men or husbands, but uses her characteristic and personal style to present skilful profiles of contemporary women, who are all trapped in the shackles of various everyday relationships of the overwhelmingly patriarchal world. However, she does not reduce her literary protagonists to be the victims of men and society, but presents them as active participants in these relationships. Their thoughts, decisions and (in)actions give legitimacy to the existence of familial and social patterns that oppress them.
The premieres on the Main Stage on 8, 9 and 10 October at 20.00 will be followed by the first reruns from 12 to 17 October. On Wednesday, 7 October at 14.00, the author Rumena Bužarovska will attend a press conference at the Drama.