On Friday, 3 September at 20.00, the first Slovenian production of The Effect, a play by the socially engaged contemporary British playwright Lucy Prebble, directed by Eva Nina Lampič, will open on the Small Stage. The cast of the production, based on a translation by Tina Mahkota, stars Polona Juh, Rok Vihar, Eva Jesenovec and Klemen Janežič. Other creative team members include dramaturg Eva Kraševec, set designer Jasna Vastl, costume designer Gordana Bobojević, composer Aleš Zorec, video artist Dani Modrej, language consultant Klasja Kovačič, and lighting designer Vlado Glavan. One of the special features of the The Effect is that it takes place partly in the locations around the Small Stage venue and backstage by means of video technology. Repeat performances will take place on 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 21, 24 and 25 September at 20.00.
Following her play Enron (1981), dealing with the financial scandal and collapse of the American energy corporation of the same name, the author Lucy Prebble (1981) scrutinizes in The Effect pharmaceutical practices and the goings-on in a clinic where new antidepressants are being tested. The play was inspired by the failed trial of Parexel drug in a London hospital. An intimate story of emotions and relationships that reads like a tense yet refreshingly informative analytical thriller, The Effect questions human knowledge and trust, testing conflicting viewpoints and constant establishing of a critical stance. Directed by Eva Nina Lampič, the production addresses issues of different perceptions and perspectives of experience, the effects of drugs on people, and the working of our brains and emotions as well as their propensity to advertising, personal interests, circumstances and profit.