Leon, who is primarily a means by which the author conveys his problem vision of the world, aims his holistic psychophysical engagement against the processes of social automation and universal social uniformity brought about by the established social development.
The hopelessness of many young Leons of today, their humanist appeals for an ethical world order that resonate feebly in the ears of global capitalists, and the sacrifices made by the older generations for the subsistence minimum of the young, are no longer catastrophic surrealistic excursions in search of new art forms. On the contrary, they appear distinctly more realist than in the time when the play was first written.
You are cordially invited to a live streamed interactive post-show talk on Saturday, 22 May after the live streaming of the performance starting at 20.00 on the Main Stage. Please send us questions you would like to ask the creators of the performance at the following e-mail address: info@drama.si, or as a private message on the Facebook and Instagram profile of the SNT Drama Ljubljana. Attendance at the online event is free.