Some things will never be known for sure; the secrets go away with the people who leave us. But breaking through the »web of coincidences and destinies« raises the question of how much we direct our own destiny. To what an extent are we victims, not just of force majeure, history, or political circumstances, but of our own fears, prejudices, weaknesses, stubbornness, pride, our own blindness? Why do our actions hurt those we love the most? Why do we yearn uncontrollably for intimacy and love, and then feel trapped in its complexity, faced with the realization that love is »beautiful and scary« at the same time?
You are cordially invited to a live streamed interactive post-show Zoom talk with the creators of the production and the cast, on Tuesday, 16 March at 21.00. The talk will be hosted by dramaturg Darja Dominkuš. Please send us questions you would like to ask the creators of the performance at the following e-mail address:, or as a private message on the Facebook and Instagram profile of the SNT Drama Ljubljana. Attendance at the online event is free. You can directly participate in the talk on the Zoom link or watch the public streaming live on the Facebook profile and YouTube channel of SNT Drama Ljubljana.