This exclusive concert coincides with the release of the album entitled In the Light of Life on 4 April. The line-up of songs prepared by Nina Strnad and Peter Mihelič will include not only a mosaic of Slovenian evergreen songs, but also a set of life paths of individuals who are, even though they have not really lived, at least figments of the imagination, or the wishes of their authors. After many years of performing together Nina and Peter decided not only to revive some more or less well-known songs by artists who believed in the power of music and words, but also to bring back to life people who may already be departed. The key feature of Nina’s vocal and Peter’s piano combination is that each in their own way tells the same story. Sometimes they complement and support each other, sometimes they express contradictions. Popular songs, such as Dawning Above the Town, Orion, Golden Dust in Your Eyes, A Bird Without Wings, A Black Piano and My Passion never fail to bring us back to the age of innocence and pervade us with a sense of omnipotence. This is why we keep coming back to them: they ignite in us the light of life.