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Slogi in Drama

For the Good of the Nation in Cankar’s and Cankar-like Times

SLOGI and Drama lecture and discussion series

For the Good of the Nation in Cankar’s and Cankar-like Times

Ana Perne, theatre scholar and curator

How was Cankar’s satirical comedy For the Good of the Nation received by the audience in 1906 and how did the creators of later productions tackle the play about the scheming behaviour of national leaders? How did the socio-political context of different periods influence respective interpretations of the play?

Wednesday, 8 January 2025 at 18.00 in the Drama Café above the Main Stage foyer.

The entrance to the café is from Alma Sodnik Street.


Duša Počkaj as Helena and Stane Sever as Aleksij von Gornik in For the Good of the Nation, directed by Mile Korun, Drama SNT Ljubljana, 1958/59. Photo: Vlastja Simončič; source: Iconoteque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.