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The European Route Project

Theatre art has been a foundation of European culture for more than 2500 years. Buildings designed for theatre and performing arts are a reflection of our history. They represent a very special segment of our shared European heritage.

The initiative for the European Route of Historic Theatres dates from the year 2007. It has proved to be an excellent idea for travellers, especially for those who share a love of theatre. The European Union has supported the expansion of European theatre route all over Europe until 2017. Sixteen partners from twelve countries have joined forces and set the following objectives:

  •  to carry out research and to design the first online database of all existing theatre buildings in Europe;
  •  to select 120 of the most interesting and best preserved theatre buildings in Europe and to include them in a route all over Europe;
  •  to design a travelling exhibition aimed at positioning theatre building heritage in its historical and social contexts.

Additional information about the project.
The project is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union.

Please note that the SNT Drama Ljubljana is closed from 1 July to 1 September 2016, so tours at this time are not possible.

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